The Gunbreaker is the newest and arguably best tank in FFXIV right now. S Tier: Gunbreaker – FFXIV Tank Tier List
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Whether you’re a first-time tank, or looking to change up a familiar role, it’s time to give these beefy buds a look. You straight-up cannot go wrong with any of them! But hopefully this tier list will help give you a sense of what works best for you. Despite choosing our favorites (we just had to), the margins between Dark Knight, Warrior, Paladin, and Gunbreaker are all fairly slim. The good news is that, at least up to FFXIV Patch 5.4, this role is in great shape. You often need any little edge you can get - hence the need for a tank tier list. Some of those folks are right! There isn’t a lot of margin for error when your teammates take more damage than you by default. Players have often shied away from it as too complex or too much responsibility. Our FFXIV tank tier list is here to help you decide which of the vitally important jobs is right for you! Tanking has been a complex role since A Realm Reborn, after all.