
Company of iron review
Company of iron review

company of iron review

His relationship with Saxonian crown prince Wilhelm grows from mentorship to rivalry, and has a jaw-dropping twist mid-campaign. His mournful, grumbling admonitions on the inhumanity of chemical weapons, killing en masse from afar, and the vanity of kings are great material for the greater story. It's a familiar story from history, but no less effective for it. Or take veteran Saxonian general Gunter von Duisburg, an old-breed warrior who fails to see the true scope and horror of industrialized warfare before the great war begins. She comes into conflict with her uncle, with war-weary authorities, and ultimately with her own values. She and her pet bear Wojtek are a key hero unit whose story comes to terms with the horrors and heartbreak, then the complexities, of the war over the course of her campaign. Take Anna, a Polanian villager who takes up arms when her family is threatened. That the characters are simple isn't a knock against them, but rather it helps the story move forward in a limited space. “The story of Iron Harvest takes simple characters through cheap thrills and clever cliffhangers to surprisingly emotional conclusions.

company of iron review

Why have wheels on your heavy machine gun when it could have eight legs? Why have a mech's cockpit on top when it could hang from the bottom? Why use explosives to propel a bomb when you could launch it from between two spinning wheels? Why indeed. The brilliant character designs, inventive mechs, and convoluted equipment are a delight. It’s bursting at the seams with ambition, as though the developers at King Art Games looked back fondly at the mid-2000s heyday of the RTS and said: "We can do that." While it might not have pinnacle graphics and sound, Iron Harvest represents something that has become all too rare for fans of the RTS, and it’s the best single-player RTS campaign I've played in years.Iron Harvest is filled with unabashedly, nonsensically cool stuff for nerds. That's the landscape of Iron Harvest: stylish alternate-history real-time strategy with modern gameplay and a detailed single-player campaign. Through it all, the stomping of a mech's piston-powered feet. The choking smoke of diesel engines, gunfire plinking off of metal, explosions throwing soldiers to and fro.

Company of iron review